Europäische Revue
Leipzig/Berlin/Stuttgart 1. 1925/26 – 20. 1944
Ed. by Karl Anton Rohan and Joachim Moras
(Culture – Literature – Politics ; 12)
17,166 pages on 195 microfiches, 2003, ISBN 3-89131-370-5
Diazo (negative) EUR 790.– / Silver (negative) EUR 948.–
From the beginning the Europäische Revue saw itself as politically independent. The title of the periodical reflected its programme. In the forword to the first issue, Karl Anton Rohan, the editor, called up «all contributors and readers to find a new European identity, as history demands».
The task of the new periodical, as declared by the editor, was: «to solve problems and formulate them clearly by comparing the opinions of prominent persons regardless of their nation, party and ideology, and thus informing the reader about the status of the most important European issues. The periodical will try to present contradictions in a way that reveals the supranational European context».