We offer our experience and experise with the conception and production of historical sources editions as a service to libraries, archives and museums.
Illuminated Manuscripts
Illuminated manuscripts are very beautiful and precious. The digitalisation of those treasures is a big challenge and requires special care and handling. Gold should look like gold, shine and not appear blackish or brownish. To receive that effect we use a sophisticated lighting management. High-end exposure technique, experience and carefulness are keys for a successful digitalisation of illuminated works.
In the summer of 2015 the Harald Fischer Verlag was commissioned with the digitalisation of about 300 arabic manuscripts at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest by Brill Publishers Leiden.

The Digitalisation of the German Exile Archive at the German National Library
24,000 books, 4 million pages, 8 month. Those three numbers were the key data of the advertised project by the German National Library in 2013. Addionaly the service provider had to offer a system in which the project progress could be monitored, digital images viewed and reclamations made.