Das Gedicht
1. 1934/35 – 10.1943/44
Blätter für die Dichtung
ed. by Heinrich Ellermann
4,000 pages on 43 microfiches, 1999, ISBN 3-89131-354-3
Diazzo (negative): EUR 250.– / Silver (negative): EUR 300.–
In the beginning, the magazine published by Heinrich Ellermann from Hamburg appeared every other week as a loose-leaf edition, later on on a monthly basis and stitched. Already in its second year the thin periodical's character was that of an anthology: the issues were dedicated to the lyrical works of an author or to a literary topic. In a programmatic statement one reads that the periodical »aims at showing valuable poetry of the present and the past, specifically considering young writers«. Among the renowned contributors were works by Georg Britting, Georg von der Vring, Bernt von Heiseler, Elisabeth Langgässer, Rudolf Alexander Schröder, Ernst Wiechert, Paula Ludwig, Wilhelm Lehmann, Ina Seidel, Oskar Loerke, Hermann Kasack, Franz Fühmann, and Albrecht Goes.