Soziale Berufsarbeit

Soziale Berufsarbeit 1. 1921/22 – 5. 1925; 5 = [6.] 1926 – 6 = [7.] 1927; 8. 1928
– 15. 1935
Zeitschrift für die Volkspflegerinnen, Kindergärtnerinnen, Hortnerinnen und
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Verbandes der Sozialbeamtinnen. 2. 1921 – 6. 1926
(Social Welfare; 10)
1,700 pages on 25 microfiches
2005, ISBN 3-89131-473-6
Diazo negative: EUR 180.– / Silver negative: EUR 216.–
For the first time in 1918 the State of Prussia introduced State Exams for the graduates of Women’s Schools for Social Work, which had been in exis-tence since the beginning of the century. At this time there already existed three, exclusively female, trade associations: the Verband evangelischer Wohlfahrts-pflegerinnen Deutschlands (German Association of Protestant Welfare Workers), the Verein katholischer deutscher Sozialbeamtinnen (Association of German Catholic Social Civil Servants) and the interconfessional Deutscher Verband der Sozialbeamtinnen (German Association of Social Civil Servants), which together had a total of about 8,000 members. Since 1920 these three organisations had together formed the Abeitsgemeinschaft der Berufsverbände der Wohlfahrtspflegerinnen Deutschlands (Working Association of Trade Organisations of the Female German Welfare Workers) whose journal was the Soziale Berufsarbeit.
Beyond the existing differences in confessional and ideological views the journal provided a lively forum for professional exchange between the practising social workers. The articles were concerned with professional questions such as education, the maintenance of quality standards and aspects of trades policy. Beyond this, the associations and their Working Combine developed their own positions on social questions and on the aims and content of welfare work. Reports and analyses from professional practice and the discussion of methods of social work were also to be found in the journal.