Mitteilungen des Deutsch-Evangelischen Frauenbundes
1. 1900/01 – 4. 1903/04
Evangelische Frauenzeitung
5. 1904/05 – 42. 1940/41
Organ des Deutsch-Evangelischen Frauenbundes
ed. by Paula Mueller et al.
(Historical Sources of Womens' Liberation Movement
and Gender Issues ; HQ 25)
7,250 pages on 101 microfiches, 1997, ISBN 3-89131-137-0
Silver (negative): EUR 612.–
In 1899, the «German-Evangelical Women's Association» was founded as the main association for Protestant women in Germany. Its members mainly belonged to the urban middle and upper classes which was demonstrated by a rather conservative and patriotic attitude. The association's statutes and articles written in 1899 read its aims as follows: «The association intends to contribute to the solution of the 'woman question' and to a religious and moral renewal in the lives of the people – as defined by the revelation of the gospel.« The women's association tried »to gain recognition through practical work, the Holy Sciptures, and petitions and applicatons – in short through influencing the public life and the press, the opinions within the society and the family».
The most important organ for these topics was the «Evangelische Frauenzeitung». It documents more than 40 years of development of the evangelical women's movement and its relation with society and the nation.