Leipzig / Berlin 1.1902 – 22.1923
Zeitschrift für die gesamten Interessen des weiblichen
ed. by J. Wychgram
(Historical Sources of Womens' Liberation Movement
and Gender Issues ; HQ 23)
11,467 pages on 136 microfiches, 1996, ISBN 3-89131-135-4
Diazo (negative): EUR 660.– / Silver (negative): EUR 792.–
The programmatic aim of the periodical published by J. Wychgram reads as follows. «The Frauenbildung aims at contributing to all fields of interest in female teaching. It takes into consideration the Higher Education for girls and young women and the preparation for teachers ... as well as the education for young girls provided by the ‹Volksschule›, the possibilities for continuing education provided for them, and business and technical training.» With all that the periodical aims at «explaining the inner unity of the wide field of women's movement and, seen from this angle, aims at contributing to the improvement of all ways of education for young girls and women.»
In addition to general essays on women's education the periodical also contains articles about the organization of schools and of teaching, various announcements, and reviews on books and other periodicals.
The Frauenbildung; ended – very likely due to inflation – in 1923 with its third issue of the 22nd volume. Being one of the rare periodicals dedicated to this topic, it serves as an idispensible source for researchers studying the attempts to improve women's education during the first 20 years of the 20th century.