Lexicon rationale sive Thesaurus philosophicus

Stephanus Chauvin:
Lexicon rationale sive Thesaurus philosophicus
edition Rotterdam 1692, Leeuwarden 1713
(Archive of european Lexicography. 1: Encyclopedias; 47)
total: 1,680 pages and 60 tables on 17 microfiches
1998, ISBN 3-89131-345-4
Diazo (negative): EUR 160.– / Silver (negative): EUR 192.–
The encyclopedia of the protestant refugee Chauvin – theologian and philosopher – concentrated on the philosophic range. Its great influence on works of the next century makes it remarkable.
The complete edition contains the following titles, which can also be purchased separately:
- (AEL 1/47.1)
Lexicon rationale sive Thesaurus philosophicus
1st ed., Rotterdam 1692
950 pages and 30 tables on 13 microfiches, 1998, ISBN 3-89131-337-3
Diazo (negative): EUR 100.– / Silver (negative): EUR 120.– - (AEL 1/47.2)
Lexicon philosophicum secundis curis
Leeuwarden 1713
730 pages and 30 tables on 10 microfiches, 1998, ISBN 3-89131-338-1
Diazo (negative): EUR 90.– / Silver (negative): EUR 108.–