Johann Heinrich Zedler:
Grosses vollständiges Universal-Lexicon aller Wissenschaften und Künste
64 Vols. and 4 supplements, Halle/Leipzig 1732 – 1754
(Archive of european Lexicography. 1: Encyclopedias; 32)
68,000 pages on 630 microfiches
1995, ISBN 3-89131-213-X
Diazo (negative): EUR 3,960.– / Silver (negative): EUR 4,752.–
«It is one of the largest encyclopedias ever completed, and also one of the best ... Zedler's work is still of great importance: for the first time biographies of living people were included; bibliographical citations were given in great detail, and the genealogical information is of exceptional quality. In general there is a high standard of accuracy. What is more is that, in spite of its size, the encyclopedia was completed and, moreover, finished within a remarkable short time.»
(Robert Collisen)