Ulrich Völler von Gellhausen: «Florilegium»
Das ist Ein Blumen Buch
Frankfurt 1616
Bamberg State Library
With an introduction by Werner Dressendörfer
1 CD-ROM for Mac/PC; PDF
ISBN 3-89131-423-X
EUR 100.–
Samples (PDF-file 0,4 MB)
Not very much is known about this extremely rare book or its author. It is both a Book of Flowers, which deals with ornamental blooms and their beauty and a Herbal, which describes the characteristics and medicinal effects of the plants. The texts are composed in Teutonic rhymes, which give no real clues as to the potential readership. As well as 71 illustration of plants, 18 of which also show animals or humans, the work also contains three scenic presentations, a sheet of distillation flasks and one Memento-Mori illustration. Apart from its botanical importance this, until now virtually unknown work, offers interesting material both for the study of folklore and linguistics.